
Showing posts from April, 2023

Mwenge North MP Hon Muhumuza David delivers 20 hospital beds to two health facilities.

Kyenjojo Hon David Muhumuza aka Endondole the MP Mwenge North constituency Kyenjojo district has delivered 20 hospital beds to two health facilities in his area. Hon Abel Habumuremyi from MPs office delivered 10 Beds , Hon. Enoth Baligye Mayor Kifuka TC and Health In charge at Bufunjo Heath III received Hospital beds. Mp Muhumuza through his representative in his office Hon. Abel Habumuremyi the former speaker Kyamutunzi town council delivered 20 hospital beds to Nyankwazi health III in Nyankwanzi sub-county and Bufunjo health III in Kifuka town council and each health centre received 10 beds. Nyankwazi Health center III received 10 hospital beds. These beds were sourced from the Government of Uganda under ministry of health to be donated to districts through members of parliament. Asembling of Hospital bed at Nyankwanzi Health III Health in charge Bufunjo health centre III Mr. Ngonzi john Bosco high praised NRM ruling government and mp Muhum