Bad Black and Boyfriend beat up STV journalist after he asked for IntimacyBuzz

Faded socialite Bad Black and boyfriend Asha are wanted by Police for assaulting an STV journalist known as Martin.

It’s said the issue of Martin getting beaten arose when he asked a man who was close to him whether he can be intimate with Bad Black.

This was asked in the presence of Asha Bad Black’s boyfriend and did not please the couple.

Meanwhile this was all being recorded and the renowned thigh vendor asked Martin to delete all that he had recorded.

The journalist refused because he was not ready to take orders from the Masolo queen.

Bad Black and her boyfriend rained blows upon the journalist damaging his phone leaving him with injuries.

This happened during a birthday party at Roots resort in Entebbe where Martin was allegedly asking unpleasant questions.

Martin after being thumped to pulp ran to Katwe police station where he filed a case against Bad Black and her boyfriend Asha Panda.


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