COMMENTARIESParish Development Model Campaign for Rural Transformation

By Ofwono Opondo

This week government kicked off mobilization for the Parish Development Model (PDM) starting with Bukedi sub-region, one of the poorest according to the latest figures from the National Bureau of Standards (UBOS). The districts include Tororo, Busia, Bataleja, Kibuku, Budaka, Butebo and Pallisa where most households with an average of seven people subsist in crop and livestock on less than four acres of land without meaningful commercial productivity. It’s hoped that the PDM will take planning; budgeting, implementation and supervision of public policy much closer to those 68% rural households outside formal money economy to boost the sluggish socio-economic transformation agenda.

Next financial year, shillings 100m (25,000USD) is earmarked for each of the 10,000 parishes countrywide. This shift comes against the backdrop of earlier models of Entandikwa, Bonnabagagawale, Zoning, Four acre, Youth Livelihood and Women Fund, Sub county, Operation Wealth Creation, and Emyooga whose collective performance have been very limited. WF and YLF will be phased out. Out of 100M/=, youth and women run enterprises respectively have 30% ring-faced while PWDs, and the elderly 10% each while  20% goes to the rest and administration. Over the years NRM has implemented rafts of programs to fight poverty, reduce gross inequality, because socio-economic transformation, and spread prosperity, yet fast progress seem very limited, and in some households stagnation or retrogression is evidthough NRM has rebuilt a vibrant state, it hasn’t hit a decisive blow to poverty and social despondency. Consumer goods are plenty but there isn’t much creativity, innovation, and productivity at the household levels for sustained shared prosperity. Political and administrative leaders in districts should be made to sign pledges to get this job done and those who fail in their obligations be replaced. They must foster a stronger sense of responsibility by making wealth creation their main focus


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