Angry mob lynch suspected goat thief in Kikuube


Angry mob in Buhimba Sub-county have lynched a 32-year-old man on allegations of stealing a goat.

The suspect has been identified as Christopher Katusiime Tibazeeta a resident of Musaijamukuru-Kyabahunde village in Buhimba sub-county Kikuube District.

The incident happened yesterday at 4am morning when residents found out that Katusiime was carrying a bae stolen from an unknown resident.

Andrea Byomugabi Chairperson Kitoole LC1 says he was told by only Erinewo a resident in the same area that a mob had killed a yet to be identified person around his hHe further condemns the act adding that mob justice is not accepted by law.

Mwajib Kasaija councilor Ruhuunga parish requests the youth to work hard and avoid evil acts thus  appealing to members of the community to stop mobs but always sends the suspects to police.

By the time we acquiesced to this story, police from Buhimba were already at the scene.


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