BULIISA: More than eighteen residents of Kijuura Village Busingiro Parish Biiso Sub County in Buliisa District were Wednesday arrested due to lack of latrines in their homes.

The suspects were arrested in an operation conducted by Biiso sub county Authorities in liaison with the security personnel from Biiso Police station in Biiso town council.

The Biiso Parish chief Andrew Tumusiime explains that, two men and sixteen women were arrested since most of the husbands had already reported to their work places hence the big number of women being arrested.

Tumusiime says, the locals have been on many occasions sensitized and advised to improve on their sanitation by establishing latrines, rubbish pits, among others but in vain.

The technocrat adds that they are to be pardoned once each person pays the administrative fine of 50,000 shillings and they will be directed to construct latrines within few days.

”The operation has started and it is ongoing in other places so that those who will be found without latrines will also face the arrest,” he warned.

Francis Mworiem the Officer in-charge of Criminal Investigations at Biiso Police Station confirms the arrest, and by press time the suspects were still at Biiso police station.

One of the suspects who spoke to ugreports on condition of anonymity says his husband always come home at night from the trading center while he is drunk, saying whenever she tells him on the issue of latrine, he ever promise that tomorrow which never ends.

She says they share latrines with neighbors, which becomes hard for children forcing them in an open defecation.
Contact Chief Editor akankwasaalphonse75@gmail.com
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