Prayers Needed Than Never! Here Is the Terrible News From Turkey About Former MP Kato Lubwama

The latest RUMORS from a couple of social media platforms indicates that the life of former legislator and comedian Kato Lubwama might be no more...we can't confirm this! 

Kato Lubwama was flown to Turkey last month for surgery but ever since he left, his photos looking critically ill and reports that he is in a sorry state have been making rounds on social media.

Kato Lubwama's fan also events promoter Ssalongo Bajjo through his Twitter platform said unconfirmed news from Turkey is that Kato Lubwama might be dead.

“Unconfirmed news from turkey former Rubaga Mp might be gone body parts froze long time ago please @GovUganda u have kept deaf ear if it’s true silaba omuntu wa gov’t yena kulumbbe lwe u carnibals mwagala baffu,” Bajjo Events tweeted.

However, according to other sources in Turkey, Kato Lubwama is still alive but in critical condition. Stay logged in for more updates


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