RDC collapses after being dropped in new reshuffle

Godfrey Tilutya, the dropped RDC for Buvuma District has been taken to hospital after collapsing on learning that he had been dropped as RDC. 

President Museveni reshuffled RDCs this last week, dropping several people including Tilutya who only served as RDC Buvuma for less than two years. 

He has been known for several controversies within the area. He first allegedly ordered the burning of a landing site in Buvuma on grounds that the residents spent a lot more time playing sex, instead of engaging in productive economic activities. 

He had been further angered by the fact that they played sex during day time. 

He was later named in a controversy that saw school land being taken. He is said to be one of the people who took over the land in Buvuma District. Several residents petitioned the Ministry of the Presidency to reign on the RDC. 

In the just concluded reshuffles, President Museveni dropped Tilutya with Deborah Mwesigwa who previously served as RDC Jinja City. 

Upon receiving information that he had been dropped, Tilutya is said to have collapsed. He has been suffering with hypertension and was immediately rushed to a health facility where he is getting treatment. 

“He is steadily recovering from the shock. Health workers have been able to manage his sickness,” a source close to the dropped RDC told this website. 

Several other bearers of such offices have also been dropped by President Yoweri Kaguta Tibuhaburwa Museveni. These include Bududa RDC Daniel Kikoola and the Rakai RDC Charles Mubiru who has been replaced by Sarah Kiyimba. 

It is not the first time people relieved of offices collapse. In 2016, just after the then Kalangala District Speaker Valerian Ssenabulya was voted out of office as Mazinga Sub County representative at the District, Ssenabulya collapsed and was taken to Masaka regional referral hospital for treatment. He spent more than six months while undergoing treatment.


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