Shocking: Woman Slaughters Her 2 Children Like Goats, Ropes Herself After Finding Hubby R3d Handed With Maid

Nigeria: A 29-year-old woman simply identified as Brenda has reportedly killed her two children before committing suicide.

A Twitter user @PH_Promoter, who shared the news, said Brenda committed the heinous act after she found out her husband cheated on her with their housemaid.

She didn’t want her children to be left alone with the man, so she killed them and herself.

"It's reported that she found her husband cheating with the housemaid, so she didn’t want her children to be left alone with the man. So she poisoned her children and killed herself," shared a Twitter user.

But What Are The Situations– Risk Factors – That Could Lead Someone To Consider Suicide?

Although you may not know what might cause a friend or loved one to attempt suicide, there are at least some common characteristics to be aware of.

Known factors that increase an individual’s risk of suicide include:

Individual Factors

.Has attempted suicide in the past.
.Has a mental health condition, such as depression and mood disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders.
.Has long-term pain or a disabling or terminal illness.
.Expresses feelings of hopelessness.
.Has money or legal problems.
.Has violent or impulsive behavior.
.Has alcohol or other substance abuse problems.
.Has easy access to self-harm methods, such as firearms or medications.

Relationship Factors

.Has a history of physical, emotional or sexual abuse; or neglect or bullying.
.Has lost relationships through break-up, divorce or death.
.Has a family history of death by suicide.
Is socially isolated; lacks support.

Community, Cultural, Societal Factors

.Is ashamed to ask for help, especially help for mental health conditions.
.Lacks access to healthcare services, especially mental health and substance abuse treatment.
.Holds cultural or religious belief that suicide is a noble option to resolving a personal dilemma.
.Has become aware of an increased number of local suicides or an increase in media coverage of deaths by suicide.

Can Suicide Be Prevented?

In many cases, suicide can be prevented. The best way you can help prevent suicide is to:
Learn the risk factors for suicide.

1.Be alert to the signs of depression and other mental health conditions.
2.Recognize suicide warning signs.
Provide caring support.
3.Ask directly if the person has considered hurting themselves.

People who receive support from caring friends and family and who have access to mental health services are less likely to act on their suicidal impulses than are those who are isolated from support


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