Speakership Race Gains Momentum! Kadaga Bounces Back To Battle Among For Oulanyah's Office

By Chimp Reports
The former Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga is tomorrow, Tuesday, going to declare her interest to resume her coveted seat.

ChimpReports has learned that a number of Members of Parliament converged at Kadaga’s home in Muyenga on Monday evening to decide on the position left vacant by the passing of Jacob Oulanyah.

The meeting resolved that Kadaga, who steered Parliament for two terms, should go to the National Resistance Movement party electoral commission headquarters on Tuesday to declare her candidature.

“Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga is best suited and with the desired experience to chair Parliament and provide leadership at this particular moment,” said a source who attended the meeting.

The Deputy Speaker Anita Among is also said to be set for the same position and is expected at the NRM electoral commission headquarters on Tuesday at 11:00am.

ChimpReports has learned that Among, who has served as the Deputy Speaker for 9 months, resolved together with her team on Monday evening, to take a swipe at the Speakership.

When contacted on phone, the Kazo county Member of Parliament, Dan Kimosho, who is among the Among mobilizers, confirmed the development.

“The young people wanted Oulanyah but unfortunately God has taken him,” said Kimosho.

Adding: “The suitable alternative for (the departed) Jacob is now Among”.

Kimosho noted that Among has for the last 9 months exhibited capabilities to handle the office of the Speaker.

“She’s well steered the House for 9 months, gained experience and exhibited a uniting character,” he said.

Kimosho was recently appointed by Among to be the chairperson of the ad hoc committee established to carry out fresh investigations into Nakawa-Naguru land saga.

The election of the new Speaker of Parliament to replace the departed Jacob Oulanyah, is set for Friday March 25, 2022.

The National Resistance Movement party, which has the decisive majority, has set tomorrow Tuesday for the expression of interest by its Members of Parliament.

The NRM CEC is going to convene the next day on Wednesday to receive and vet names before sending them to the Caucus.

The NRM Caucus Spokesman, Alex Brandon Kintu confirmed to ChimpReports that they will convene a special sitting on Thursday.

“Yes, the Caucus is sitting on Thursday to debate and harmonize on the vacant position of the Speaker,” said Kintu.

The election on Friday will be conducted by the Chief Justice, Alfonso Owiny Dollo as per the constitutional requirement.

The Constitution article 82 (4) says when the seat of the Speaker of Parliament fall vacant, the first business in the House is the election of the new Speaker, “No business shall be transacted in Parliament other than an election to the office of the Speaker at any time that office is vacant.”


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