
Showing posts from March, 2022

Bitter Charge: Balaam embarks on Drive to Ban Sheebah Karungi and Pallaso over Masaka Melee

Determined: Balaam Barugahara (Courtesy Phot o) Renowned promoter Balaam Barugahara of Balaam Events and Promotions has embarked on an uphill drive to have prominent singers Sheebah Karungi and Pallaso banned, The Investigator reports. Balaam is starting the heavy project by petitioning the Uganda Promoters Association President Abbey Musinguzi aka Abitex, in a bid to effect a two year ban against Sheeba and Pius Mayanja aka Pallaso, over a melee that ensued at a show in Masaka recently. The duo was contracted to perform at the show but are alleged to have arrived late and took their time to head to the stage which infuriated the already agitated fans. To add salt to injury, as Sheebah negotiated her way onto the stage for her performance, a black out ensued which issue the organizer tried to solve by imploring the services of a generator that also, sadly malfunctioned. Pallaso It is at this time that all hell broke loose. The fans ran riotous and started destroying property like Chair

Angry mob lynch suspected goat thief in Kikuube

Kikuube Angry mob in Buhimba Sub-county have lynched a 32-year-old man on allegations of stealing a goat. The suspect has been identified as Christopher Katusiime Tibazeeta a resident of Musaijamukuru-Kyabahunde village in Buhimba sub-county Kikuube District. The incident happened yesterday at 4am morning when residents found out that Katusiime was carrying a bae stolen from an unknown resident. Andrea Byomugabi Chairperson Kitoole LC1 says he was told by only Erinewo a resident in the same area that a mob had killed a yet to be identified person around his hHe further condemns the act adding that mob justice is not accepted by law. Mwajib Kasaija councilor Ruhuunga parish requests the youth to work hard and avoid evil acts thus  appealing to members of the community to stop mobs but always sends the suspects to police. By the time we acquiesced to this story, police from Buhimba were already at the scene.

Kagadi District commences training of Parish Chiefs on Parish Development Model Program

Kagadi Kagadi District has commenced training of Parish Chiefs/ward agents for Parish Development Model government Program. The training started yesterday at Kagadi Community hall and expected to end on Friday upon which 130 parrict are to participate. The training was launched by Edward Bisangabasaija the deputy Chief Administrative Officer Kagadi. According to Peter Kusemererwa the Kagadi District Commercial Officer, this training is meant to equ the smooth running of the Development program. Speaking to our reporter, some of the chiefs hailed the training admitting that it will be of a grea It is remembered that the 490 Billion parish Development Model was launched by president Museveni February in Kibuku District to help in wealth and job creation at parish level. According to program each parish will first get SHS17million.

Prayers Needed Than Never! Here Is the Terrible News From Turkey About Former MP Kato Lubwama

Health    The latest RUMORS from a couple of social media platforms indicates that the life of former legislator and comedian Kato Lubwama might be no more...we can't confirm this!  Kato Lubwama was flown to Turkey last month for surgery but ever since he left, his photos looking critically ill and reports that he is in a sorry state have been making rounds on social media. Kato Lubwama's fan also events promoter Ssalongo Bajjo through his Twitter platform said unconfirmed news from Turkey is that Kato Lubwama might be dead. “Unconfirmed news from turkey former Rubaga Mp might be gone body parts froze long time ago please @GovUganda u have kept deaf ear if it’s true silaba omuntu wa gov’t yena kulumbbe lwe u carnibals mwagala baffu,” Bajjo Events tweeted. However, according to other sources in Turkey, Kato Lubwama is still alive but in critical condition. Stay logged in for more updates

Bloodshed In Karamoja! UPDF Kills 309 In Deadly Operation Against Notorious Rustlers

Uganda's army has killed 309 people during an eight-month operation against cattle rustling in a northeast region rich in minerals, including gold, limestone and potentially oil, the armed forces said. The Uganda People's Defense Force (UPDF), the East African country's military, said the deaths were the result of a campaign to quell violence by cattle rustlers in the Karamoja region since July last. “The UPDF, in conjunction with other sister security agencies will continue to work together to completely pacify Karamoja and end all criminality in the sub-region,” it said in a statement, Tuesday evening. Inhabited by nomadic herders, Karamoja has long suffered from banditry, cattle raids and inter-clan wars fueled by cheap and readily available weapons.

DR Congo Army Accuses Rwanda Of Backing Rebels

The army in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has explicitly accused Rwanda of supporting an armed rebellion in the east of the vast country, charges Kigali denied on Tuesday. After months of suspicion and decades of mistrust between the two neighbours, a spokesman for the military governor of North Kivu province issued a statement saying the March 23 Movement (M23) "backed by the Rwanda Defence Force, (RDF) carried out incursions and attacked positions" of the army overnight Sunday-Monday. The attacks took place at Tchanzu and Runyoni, in the Rutshuru area, the spokesman, general Sylvain Ekenge, said in the statement late Monday. Sources in civil society groups in the region said fighting resumed Tuesday morning between government troops and the rebels from M23, also known as the Congolese Revolutionary Army. M23 emerged from an ethnic Tutsi Congolese rebellion that Rwanda and Uganda had supported in the border province plagued by myriad armed groups over th

Horror: Five Notorious Goons With Pangas Break Into St John SS Mukono, Tie Students & Security Guards On Ropes, Slaughters Them

By Frank Kamuntu The Territorial Police in KMP East and Mukono has launched a serious manhunt for a group of 5 thugs, who attacked two local guards at St. John S.S. located at Kyawambago village, Nakisunga Sub-county, in Mukono district. The preliminary findings indicate that the 5 thugs, entered the school premises on the 27.03.2022, at around 2am, while armed with pangas. They rounded up 3 students of the school in S.2, S.4. and S.6 and tied them up.   They also tied the two watchmen at the school and killed them instantly. The body of Kanyole Patrick, a 58 year old local guard, was found near the school play ground, with sisal rope that had tightly gripped his neck. Both hands were tied and a deep cut on his forehead. The body of his colleague, Hyuha Fred, was found inside the sentry box with a deep cut on his head and abrasions around the neck area, showing signs of strangulation. The thugs after killing them, went and broke into the offices of the Headteacher and Bursa

Shocking: Woman Slaughters Her 2 Children Like Goats, Ropes Herself After Finding Hubby R3d Handed With Maid

Nigeria: A 29-year-old woman simply identified as Brenda has reportedly killed her two children before committing suicide. A Twitter user @PH_Promoter, who shared the news, said Brenda committed the heinous act after she found out her husband cheated on her with their housemaid. She didn’t want her children to be left alone with the man, so she killed them and herself. "It's reported that she found her husband cheating with the housemaid, so she didn’t want her children to be left alone with the man. So she poisoned her children and killed herself," shared a Twitter user. But What Are The Situations– Risk Factors – That Could Lead Someone To Consider Suicide? Although you may not know what might cause a friend or loved one to attempt suicide, there are at least some common characteristics to be aware of. Known factors that increase an individual’s risk of suicide include: Individual Factors .Has attempted suicide in the past. .Has a

Robert Atuhairwe the vision group journalist based in Bunyoro wasn’t appointed the RDC Rwampara- Amlan

BUNYORO: Amlan Tumusiime the Resident District Commissioner {RDC} Kikuube has clarified that  Robert Atuhairwe the vision group journalist based in Bunyoro wasn’t appointed the RDC Rwampara. ”Robert Atuhairwe who was appointed the RDC Rwampara has been working under the office of NRM Kyambongo not the Vision Group Journalist based in Hoima,” Tumusiime clarified. Tumusiime who also doubles as the Regional Coordinator Office of the National Chairman National Resistance Movement {NRM} in-charge of Bunyoro noted that it is by coincidence that two share similar names both surname and given name. Following the reshuffle of the resident district commissioners/ resident city commissioners, many individuals congratulated Robert Atuhairwe the Vision Group Journalist based in Hoima hoping he was the one appointed the RDC Rwampara. According to Milly Babalanda the Minister for Presidency, the newly appointed RDCs/RCCs will get their appointment letter on Wednesday while their duties wi

Don't Regret Being Fired By Museveni- Former RDC Bitterly Mocks

The former Sheema Resident District Commissioner has revealed that he does not regret being fired from RDC-ship because he has a lot to do as a professional teacher, counselor and arbitrator. Besigye Kyerere said  in an interview at Mushanga Catholic Social Centre that he hails president Museveni for giving him a chance to serve the people of Sheema in a bigger office. Kyerere said this and others while addressing delegates of Mushanga SACCO during the 40th annual general meeting held at Mushanga catholic social center. Kyerere added that he was pleased about Mushanga SACCO’S good performance and noted that since they will open the 12th branch in Bwizibwera this year, it will be an achievement in the history of hard work. Kyerere noted that he has shares in Mushanga SACCO and took a loan of 25M shillings and is paying it on schedule. He added that while applying for the loan, it took him only two days to get the loan which implies that Mushanga SACCO processes loans on reco

Pallaso: Biography, Age, Family and Songs of Pius Mayanja

Who is Pallaso? Who is Pallaso? Star Source Tv Media looks at his biography, age, music, wife, family, songs, early life and education of Pius Mayanja. Table of contents Early life and education   Music career  Awards  Nomination  Pallaso Songs Personal life  Controversy Pallaso is a Ugandan recording artist, songwriter, producer and videographer. He does various music genres including afro pop; afrobeat hip hop, dancehall and RnB.  He sings in Luganda mixes it with English and Swahili which adds flavour in his lyrics. His musical journey started way back in 2000 while still at Leone Island a musical group which was owned by his brother Jose Chameleon.  In 2005, Pallaso moved to the USA where he lived for 10 years before returning to Uganda in 2014. He joined TNS of Jeff Kiwa where he spent a couple of months before opening up his group called Team Good Music. Early life and education   Pallaso birth name Pius Mayanja was born on September 5th 1987 at Mulago hospital to the

KABALE! 32 graduands awarded certificates in Vocational skills

NEWS– The director of Uganda industrial research institute Prof. Charles Kwesiga has asked Parents to revive traditional education, educate their children in order to develop their communities. Prof. Kwesiga was on Sunday speaking at St. Johns Church of Uganda, Kamabare during the thanksgiving and awarding certificate in vocational studies to 32 graduates that have completed their course at Katiba textile center in Buhara Sub County, Kabale district. Kwesiga said that back in early days, parents used to work hard to educate their children but nowadays the tradition has changed calling upon parents to revive themselves and make sure that their children attain education. Kwesiga narrates that he intends to make Katiba textile center a model institute of skilling in Kigezi sub region. Sarah Akankwatsa one of the graduands told our reporter that the institute has equipped her with skills that have helped her to earn a living. By Obed Kankiriho 

Gov’t to introduce Credit Reference Bureau service to help Saccos track multiple borrowers

NEWS– The Management of Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) has asked the government to set up a system that regulates customers from acquiring multiple borrowing from different financial institutions saying that the habit hinders the proper operations of SACCOs. This was revealed on Saturday during the Annual General Meeting of Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Society that was held at the SACCO head office hall in Muhanga town Council, Rukiga district.  The General Manager of Rukiga SACCO JohnBosco Abaho said that SACCOs don’t have the system by Credit Reference Bureau (CRB), which is licensed by Bank of Uganda to collect and collate credit information on individuals and companies from various sources and disseminate that information in form of a credit report to authorized users. He added that the system is only used by commercial banks, saying that if SACCOs are given a Credit Reference Bureau system which is used by a financial card can help to

RDC collapses after being dropped in new reshuffle

Godfrey Tilutya, the dropped RDC for Buvuma District has been taken to hospital after collapsing on learning that he had been dropped as RDC.  President Museveni reshuffled RDCs this last week, dropping several people including Tilutya who only served as RDC Buvuma for less than two years.  He has been known for several controversies within the area. He first allegedly ordered the burning of a landing site in Buvuma on grounds that the residents spent a lot more time playing sex, instead of engaging in productive economic activities.  He had been further angered by the fact that they played sex during day time.  He was later named in a controversy that saw school land being taken. He is said to be one of the people who took over the land in Buvuma District. Several residents petitioned the Ministry of the Presidency to reign on the RDC.  In the just concluded reshuffles, President Museveni dropped Tilutya with Deborah Mwesigwa who previously served as RDC Jinja City.  Upon receiving in

Just In: NRM's Tayebwa Elected Deputy Speaker, Here Are Secrets You Didn't Know About Him

By Frank Kamuntu  Thomas Bangirana Tayebwa has today been elected deputy speaker for the 11th parliament, an office that was occupied by Anita Annet Among who is now a fully elected speaker replacing fallen Jacob Oulanyah. Tayebwa garnered 379 votes against opposition's Okot Bitek who got 82 votes. Thomas (born 10 November 1980) is a Ugandan lawyer and politician. He was appointed as the Government Chief Wip by Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for the 2021-2026 term. Since 2016, he serves as the Member of Parliament for Ruhinda North County in Mitooma District and a member of NRM, the ruling national political party in Uganda.  He served as a member of the National Economy Committee and Natural Resources Committee. Tayebwa was born to Bangirana Daudi and Betty Komuhangi of Bitereko Village in Mitooma District. He attended Kigarama Primary School, Kigarama Senior Secondary School and Ruyonza School for UACE in 2000. In 2005, he received a BA in Social Sciences at Makerere Universi

Breaking: Anita Among Scoops Speakership Race After Roasting Asuman Basalirwa

By Vensor Muhumuza Ugandan members of parliament has on Friday elected the new speaker and deputy speaker of parliament for a five-year term of office. The ruling party’s candidate Anita Among has been elected Speaker of the 11th Parliament. Anita Among has won with 401 votes, winning Asuman Basalirwa who managed to get 66 votes. The National Resistance Movement  (NRM) flag bearer will take over from the late Jacob Oulanya who died while in the US where he had gone to receive receive treatment  Chief Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo, who presided over the election of the speaker of the 11th parliament, is going to declare the winner. More details coming

Big Eye, Catherine Kusasira bounced at Mathias Walukagga’s dad’s burial

Musicians Ibrahim Mayanja alias Big Eye StarBoss and presidential advisor Catherine Kusasira faced embarrassment as they were stopped from attending singer Sir Mathias Walukagga’s dad’s burial in Masaka. The two artists were seen being forced to leave the burial place just on their arrival as angry fans hurled insults and negative remarks towards them accusing the pair of being hypocrites. Fortunately, they were not beaten up as security swung in very fast to save them from any danger or harm that could have happened to them. Read Also: Mathias Walukagga mourns the loss of his father Mzee Buyondo The sending of Sir Mathias Walukagga’s dad was attended by big wigs from the leading opposition political party NUP as Bobi Wine, Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago, Medard Ssegona among others were present. Sir Mathias Walukagga’s dad breathed his last in the early hours of Tuesday Morning following a long battle of illness to which he succumbed to while receiving treatment in t

Speakership Race Gains Momentum! Kadaga Bounces Back To Battle Among For Oulanyah's Office

By Chimp Reports The former Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga is tomorrow, Tuesday, going to declare her interest to resume her coveted seat. ChimpReports has learned that a number of Members of Parliament converged at Kadaga’s home in Muyenga on Monday evening to decide on the position left vacant by the passing of Jacob Oulanyah. The meeting resolved that Kadaga, who steered Parliament for two terms, should go to the National Resistance Movement party electoral commission headquarters on Tuesday to declare her candidature. “Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga is best suited and with the desired experience to chair Parliament and provide leadership at this particular moment,” said a source who attended the meeting. The Deputy Speaker Anita Among is also said to be set for the same position and is expected at the NRM electoral commission headquarters on Tuesday at 11:00am. ChimpReports has learned that Among, who has served as the Deputy Speaker for 9 months, resolved toge

Deal Sealed: Uganda’s BAR Aviation Inks Agreement With Bell For World Class 412EPI Helicopter

By Frank Kamuntu Uganda’s BAR Aviation has signed a purchase agreement with Bell for 412EPI helicopter. The aircraft will be used to provide medical evacuation services and support for oil and gas projects. Bar Aviation is the largest, leading solution and service-oriented Ugandan Airline. It is an aviation company recognized and licensed by the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (UCAA) to carry out Domestic, regional and international flights. In January 2021, it became the first Ugandan operator to take delivery of a Bell 505. The helicopter was the first EMS-configured 505 in the whole of Africa. “We pride ourselves on going beyond our clients’ expectations by providing an exceptionally broad spectrum of aviation services with a robust team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals who believe in client satisfaction – and we do so by operating Bell aircraft,” said BAR’s CEO, Barak Orland. He added, “BAR Aviation is very excited to be adding the Bell 412EPI to strengthe

Shocking! ! Man Caught Having Sex With A Goat Inside A Bush(See Photos)

A man identified as Afolabi Bamidele was caught allegedly having sex with a goat in Irun Akoko, Akoko North-West Local Government Area of Ondo State. Investigation revealed that the goat died during the sex romp with Afolabi . It was also learnt that the suspect has been handed over to the police in the town for further investigation. A source who didn't want his name in print told our correspondent that the suspect took the goat into the bush and started having sex with it when he was caught by somebody who went into the bush to defecate. According to the source , ” He picked the goat from a neighbour’s house and took it into the bush. He pull off his cloth and started having sex with it. ” After the sex, he brought out a handkerchief to clean up his Fluid from the goat vagina when he was caught by somebody who called on the neighbours to see what happened. “ He further explained that it was the quick intervention of the policemen that saved the suspect from aggrieved


BULIISA: More than eighteen residents of Kijuura Village Busingiro Parish Biiso Sub County in Buliisa District were Wednesday arrested due to lack of latrines in their homes. The suspects were arrested in an operation conducted by Biiso sub county Authorities in liaison with the security personnel from Biiso Police station in Biiso town council. The Biiso Parish chief Andrew Tumusiime explains that, two men and sixteen women were arrested since most of the husbands had already reported to their work places hence the big number of women being arrested. Tumusiime says, the locals have been on many occasions sensitized and advised to improve on their sanitation by establishing latrines, rubbish pits, among others but in vain. The technocrat adds that they are to be pardoned once each person pays the administrative fine of 50,000 shillings and they will be directed to construct latrines within few days. ”The operation has started and it is ongoing in other places so that those

NRM CEC has endorsed Deputy Speaker as there flag bearer for the 11th Parliamentary Speakership.

KAMPALA–  The 11th Parliamentary Speakership seat fell vacant after the death of Rt Hon Jacob Oulanyah I Seattle America on Sunday March 20th 2022. Among was facing stiff competition from the Budama West county MP and State Minister for Defense Marksons Oboth Oboth, Deputy Attorney General Rwakafuzi and ten others. At the time of his death, Oulanyah had only presided over parliament business for 9 months and 24 days since his election to the position on 24th May 2021. On Monday, Cabinet set March 25 as the date for the election of a new speaker of Parliament. This prompted the ruling NRM party to call for expression of interest from MPs. The appointment of Among to the Speakership seat by the CEC means they will have to choose for the deputy speaker to fill the position left behind by Among. The nominees will tomorrow face the Party caucus at Kololo Ceremonial ground in preparation for the Speaker election slated for Friday March 25th 2022.


Barely a year after becoming Deputy Speaker of Parliament, President Museveni has come under pressure to remove Anita Amongi following numerous reports filed about Anita Amongi Mafia, shoddy and corrupt dealings.On reading intelligence reports, Museveni has concluded Anita is a corrupt mafia using her position to grab any thing coming her way and is fast becoming a disgrace to the President.She has misused the Presidents name in all manner and is abusing the powers of her office for private gain.Museveni has held two meetings so far to plot the slow but systematic removal of the Mafia Deputy Speaker.Some of the shoddy dealings the President has uncovered in classified reports include the following; GRABBING KARIM HOUSE IN NAKASERO.  The President has reports that Anita Among initially rented Karim house in Nakasero where she currently stays. Along the way she negotiated with Karim Hirji for a sales agreement, faking that President Museveni had agreed to buy the house for he

Take Your Harshness To Villagers: Boastful Kampala RCC Hudu Hussein Kicked Out Of City To Yumbe In Museveni's Mega Reshuffle

Take Your Harshness To Villagers: Boastful Kampala RCC Hudu Hussein Kicked Out Of City To Yumbe In Museveni's Mega Reshuffle By Our Reporter HE.Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has reshuffled a couple of District Resident Commissioners (RDCs) and Resident City Commissioners (RCCs) through out the country. In the new changes, Museveni has not spared RCC Hudu Hussein, who has left thousands spitting venom over his tough hand against city traders. Hudu has been transferred to Yumbe and replaced by Amina Lukanga. Mrs Lukanga contested unsuccessfully in the previous parliamentary elections for Makindye East on the NRM ticket. Today's Reshuffles Are As Follows; RESIDENT DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS SN DISTRICT NAME 1 ABIM SHILAKU JAMES 2 ADJUMANI TABAN DATA PETER 3 AGAGO OKOT EMMANUEL 4 ALEBTONG ADIAMA EKAJU JOHN ROBERT 5 AMOLATAR WIBULE PATIENCE EDITH 6 AMUDAT MAJ. AKELLO BETTY OTEKAT 7 AMURIA EYAL LILLY 8 AMURU LT. COL. PIUS ALITEMA 9 APAC OMONGI ABDUL GEORGE 10 ARUA OCENG OSBORN 11 ARUA CITY AKEL

Notorious Somali Commander Of ADF Put Out Of Action By UPDF Commandos

By Frank Kamuntu Eastern DRC: Operation Shujaa Joint UPDF and FARDC squads, have killed one Abu Aden, an ADF Commander of Somali origin. Abu Aden was killed in a battle at Malulu, seven kilometers North West of Boga town. This achievement followed a human intelligence report about ADF terrorists’ presence in the area, who were asking for directions to Mitego within the same area of operations. Six other ADF fighters were also neutralized in the same battle; one Sub Machine Gun, a Solar penal and a Nicko solar battery were recovered from the terrorists. On 28th February 2022, another foreign ADF terrorist of Tanzanian origin, identified as Nfurusii was gunned down at Kilunga near the Nobili – Busunga border. The elimination of foreign fighters in the ongoing Operation Shujaa further confirms ADF links to international terrorist groups or movements such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda. The Operation Shujaa Joint Forces will continue to conduct intelligence led operations to neutralize a

Biden warns Russia ‘exploring options for potential cyberattacks’ against U.S.14.

The Russian government is “exploring options for potential cyberattacks” against the United States, President  Joseph R. Biden Jr.  warned on Monday. “I have previously warned about the potential that Russia could conduct malicious cyber activity against the United States, including as a response to the unprecedented economic costs we’ve imposed on Russia alongside our allies and partners,” Mr. Biden said in a statement ahead of his European trip this week to rally support for Ukraine. “Today, my administration is reiterating those warnings based on evolving intelligence that the Russian Government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks.” Biden reassured that his administration will “continue to use every tool to deter, disrupt, and if necessary, respond to cyberattacks against critical infrastructure.” He, however, warned that the Federal Government “can’t defend against this threat alone.” “Most of America’s critical infrastructure is owned and operated by the private sector

Klopp ‘really likes’ Watford winger, Liverpool ‘keeping tabs’ on him

Watford winger Ismaila Sarr is one of the players that Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp ‘likes the most’, according to reports. The Senegal international signed for the Hornets from Rennes in 2019 for a hefty £27m fee. The Mailbox is sick of ‘toxic nonsense’ like Gerrard’s comments on Saka He has scored 24 goals and provided 17 assists in 86 matches for the Premier League club and was highly influential as they earned promotion to the top flight last term. Liverpool have been looking at Sarr for a number of months and could make a move for him in the summer,  according to  Fichajes  (via  Caught Offside ). The 24-year-old could push for an exit if Watford are relegated this season. The report claims that Sarr is one of Klopp’s favourite players, whilst noting that Liverpool are ‘keeping tabs’ on him. Liverpool forwards Mohamed Salah, Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mane are all out of contract in 2023, meaning a move for Sarr could materialise due to their uncertain futures at Anfield. The Red

Arsenal ‘ready to try again’ for Juventus star in summer window

Arsenal are prepared to go back in for Juventus midfielder Arthur in the summer transfer window, according to reports. The Gunners were heavily linked with the Brazilian in January but were unable to strike a deal with Juventus. The Mailbox is sick of ‘toxic nonsense’ like Gerrard’s comments on Saka Arsenal were keen on signing Arthur on a six-month loan deal to help bolster their midfield, with the Serie A club wanting an 18-month loan deal with an option to buy. The 25-year-old previously had a spell at Barcelona but he has been with Juve since 2020. He has played 58 times for the Italian side. Arsenal’s lack of January business has not hindered them in their pursuit of a top-four finish. The Gunners’ only Premier League defeats in 2022 have come against Man City and Liverpool as they sit fourth, three points above Tottenham with a game in hand. However, the north Londoners are keen to reignite their interest in Arthur in the upcoming summer window. This is according to  Italian outl

Rukiga leaders demand autonomy over UMFSNP project

Rukiga, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  Local leaders in Rukiga district are demanding autonomy in the management of the Uganda Multi-Sectoral Food Security and Nutrition Project (UMFSNP), which is under the Global Agricultural and Food Security Program (GAFSP). The World bank supervises the nutrition-agriculture linked project, which delivers nutrition services at primary school and community levels. The project also supports the government’s efforts to explicitly link agriculture, nutrition, health, and education through school-based demonstration gardens and nutrition education. Introduced in 2016, the project is so far running in 61 government primary schools in Kabale and 39 in Rukiga district. The government has so far injected Shillings 1.769 billion into the beneficiary primary schools in Kabale and Shillings 1.165 billion in primary schools in Rukiga. On Wednesday, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) assessed the progress of the projec

Kagadi Boda Boda riders pays courtesy visit to Faith of Unity Kampyemi healing city

KagadiBoda Boda riders from Kagadi round about old stage have paid a courtesy visit to Omukama Ruhanga Owobusobozi Bisaka the founder of Faith of Unity religion at Kampyemi healing city in Muhorro town council Kagadi district. Cyclists organized the visit through Omukwenda Alinda Akugizibwe who aided to deliver a request visicity mainly targeting to discover more about preaching of Faith of Unity.Mugerwa Gerald Makulu and Yeremiya Akwehaire Boda Boda chairmen speaking to our reporter after the visit applauded the founder for initiating a religion based on peace, love, unity and development. Omukwenda Akugizibwe the administrator of the faith of unity said Omukama Ruhanga Owobusobozi Bisaka started his work in 1980 targeting to end evil act, promoting unity and started doing wonders. Omukwenda Akugizibwe thanked Boda Boda riders for developing a spirit of discovering and understanding more about the region thus asking them to be ambassadors of delivering the good

30 students injured in Fort Portal accident

The van that got involved in the accident More than 30 students of Fort Portal Secondary School are nursing injuries they sustained in an accident. The students were returning from a football match at Uganda Technical College Kichwamba. The accident occurred on Wednesday at 7pm in Kitarasa along the Fort Portal-Bundibugyo highway. According to eyewitnesses, the driver of the bus registration number UAY 114X belonging to St. Maria Goreti Secondary School, was over speeding and failed to negotiate a corner in Kitarasa causing the bus to overturn several times. The injured students were rushed to various medical facilities that include Fort Portal Regional Referral hospital, Virika and Kabarole Hospital. Nurses at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital said that most of the students sustained injuries in the chest, hands, heads, legs, face among other body parts adding that they are closely monitoring their condition. The police could not readily give more details and particul